
Premium Waterproof Feeding Bib

SGD $44.90
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Baby Safe PU

Super soft & lightweight, our bibs are made of child-friendly materials and free of any harmful chemicals such as BPA and phthalates.


Waterproof, functional and stylish all at the same time. Wipe clean with a damp cloth after each use.


Our fabrics have been tested and certified to be free from more than 100 substances known to be harmful to human health.

Age Suitability

Recommend for babies aged three months and above.

Clip Closure

Durable clip closures for longer lasting use.

Wide Coverage

Wider-than-most-bibs fit for greater area coverage.

Built-In Pocket

Large built-in flexible front pocket to catch any mealtime messes.

BPA & Phthalates Free

Wide-Fit Protection

Waterproof & Fast-Drying

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