New Arrival

Baby Bamboo Essentials Starter Set - Bamboo Keepsake Gift Box

SGD $154.50

What's Included

1 x 0-3M Grey Classic Bamboo Onesie

1 x White Bamboo Swaddle

1 x Premium Bamboo Baby Mittens Grey Duo Set

1 x Premium Bamboo Baby Booties

1 x Premium Bamboo Reversible Slouch Beanie

1 x FREE Gift Box & Gift Message

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Ultimate Newborn Set

Supremely Soft Bamboo

Free Gift Box & Gift Card


Our best-selling newborn essentials starter set that every new parent wants to be gifted. We've taken the stress away of trying to figure out exactly what's needed for the first few months. This is that starter set. This gift set goes down very well at baby showers.

Delivery and shipping

Local Shipping Singapore (2-4 Business Days)
- Free shipping on orders over SG$99
- SG$5 shipping on orders under SG$99

Rest Of World Shipping (DHL Express)
- Landed cost guarantee. Prices calculated at checkout include duties & taxes (if required), for peace of mind that no additional charges will be incurred while transiting through customs, or on delivery.

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Capturing moments

Build-A-Gift function is unavailable between 1-8 May 2024

In the meantime, create lasting memories with heartfelt gifts, by browsing our Personalised Gift Sets & Ready-to-Gift collections.